I love to look at art, love to make art and absolutely love doodle art!
"Zendalasphere" 6"x4.5" Watercolor/India Ink
Yesterdays doodle (watercolor/ink/6x9")
"Pokatopia" 11x9" watercolor/india ink
"Planet Peace" 7x10" inktense/india ink I sketched this out last year, detailed and painted it this morning. :)
owl in bics, sharpies and gels
Made this morning for the friend that gave me the 60 y/o Russian watercolors. Painted with those paints and inked in white.
First time on canvas ... Acrylic/ink/watercolor
"Sunrise" 9"x6" Watercolor/India Ink
Today's doodle sketchbook entry...3-23-17
Today's art journal entry... 3-27-17
"Carnival" 8x10 Acrylic/ink canvas