Sketchbook for September 2016
Who's this?
Moleskine Doodle
Moleskine Doodle for October 2016
Splash into my mind. 2016 Moleskine Doodle.
Acrylic on Moleskine sketchbook
Acrylic on Bristol board.
Acrylic on Moleskine sketchbook paper.
Acrylic on Moleskine sketchbook paper - hardback book
Drawn using the iPad Pro.
iPad Pro doodle.
A4 gloss print! Available in my shop, check out my Instagram profile description for shop link.
Doodle on Adobe Draw
A usual very colorful sketchbook doodle
I've been traveling all summer and had not been able to make any art. Here is my first painting in a while. A little bit of art therapy.
Box Truck painted along side my friend OX ALIEN currently rolling around rotterdam
Mural for Hayovel Elementary School in Tel Aviv. You can view a video of the process here
Mural collab with OX Alien in Rotterdam for a school.