Today the prompt for my other sketching group was "cold"...I saw this image online...this is how I feel if the temperature is below 60. HAHA!! The first is a sketch and then I used blue paper on the 2nd since a majority of the image was blue (makes the overall appearance a little smoother.
A digital community I belong to (Visual Tribe) had a challenge this week..."geometric abstract" so I applied the idea to a landscape scene using procreate.
Malacophily is pollination by slugs and snails. This is my Nye Beach banner for 2024. They hang for the summer and then get auctioned off with proceeds going toward children’s art programs.
I found out recently that a good friend of mine's dog passed away. I didn't know how to react so I drew this for her. Ellie was a great dog who loved people and adventures. She's not gone. She's just on a new adventure, making new friends.
Rest in Power, Paul Reubens. I watched a lot of Pee-wee Herman as a young kid. As an adult, Paul Reuben's collection of erotic gay art made him interesting to me but misunderstood by many people. Any way you take him, he was funny and made many people laugh. I painted a scene from Pee-wee's Big Adventure, a classic Pee-wee movie from 1985. I love the California scenery and am happy with how the landscape turned out.