I intended to do quick little spot illustrations for Inktober this year, but nooooooo! Now Jimmy is drowning in digital ink and lots of doodle details. This was way too much fun to go simple. I also included the original sketch this time.
"The Tree People" finished line work. Pen = Sailor Pro Gear, EF nib. Pilot Black ink. I love this ink... if only it was waterproof. Works well with markers though.
I have made my first attempt on drawing my home for the Home Sweet home competition. I am so badly on this competition, so this is my first attempt and will be replaced soon. Since I hope to come up with a true home star drawing.
A drawing made in Adobe Draw on the iPad. One of my first attempts on a strict color palette. Normally Im in to More is better, instead of that boring Less is more.. But it is fun to control the colors for a change. As a matter of fact, change is just good, even when its not.
55 mins
“I Never Noticed The House Was On Fire” This is a painting for an upcoming group exhibition about memories. When I was a kid I grew up in a household where my parents were functioning alcoholics. They gave me toys, put me in front of the tv, and sent me outside to play to keep me distracted from what was going on. When I look back almost all of my childhood memories revolve around these things. I became obsessed with these imaginary worlds and I learned to draw by copying my favorite cartoons and characters from children’s books. It was not until I was much older, that the truth could no longer be hidden from me. The imaginary world of cartoons and books kept me shielded from the harsh realities of home. As I grew into an adult that form of coping grew with me as I created my own imaginary places inspired by the ones I loved as a child. A healthy place to escape.
the next piece for #inktober environmental issues series continues with #day10 word #flowing. It's quite hard to correlate a situation with a word, but this is how flowing and plastic waste ended up looking like. How much plastic waste do I produce in a day? In a week? How about a year? Nature is full of plastic waste and is overflowing everywhere. In the rivers, seas and oceans... Next time they ask you at the supermarket if you need a plastic bag, think again...
I visited my 6 year old's class las week to talk about what I do. They each made a little drawing and I got to put it tougher into this super fun pattern.