Lead pencils F,B-B7, kneatable- ,normal-, pencil eraser, paper stomps, tissue on A3 bamboo fibre rag paper. Choose to draw her bald, for no particular reason. Zoom in for full detail. Photographed in the sunlight with the canon 28 mm f/1.8 prime lens. Photoshop for greysteps contrast-boost and cropping. Like if you dare. Or else post some critique. Just some try to imagine Christina bald. Realistic? Still doodling? Her eyes are like dominating the whole draw... kind of unreal, isn´t it?
This was a bird study for a painting. The customer loved it so much that they wanted the drawing instead. That suits me fine. In the end it is what the customer wants that really counts.
I have never loved drawing anything city related because I am lazy when it comes to perspective. However, I have learned that I actually like the wobbly nature of my more recent attempts. Or, I simply embraced my laziness. Either way it has been fun!
Réalisation du portrait de @Brigitte-Fanny Cohen dans le cadre de la préparation de l’exposition : « Les chroniqueurs de #Télématin sur #France 2 et la dissipation et vapeur de la mémoire télévisuelle.