Our beautiful planet needs our help. We must not take it for granted. I painted this with Inktense pencils, choosing flowers with poignant names to make us stop and think about conservation. It can be bought as a canvas, art print, poster, tee-shirt, throw cushion, greeting card. etc.etc.etc. Visit
Finished this today in urban sketching. View from my backyard with Edinburgh tenements and a back corner of Fountainbridge library. Mixed media on A4 (pencil, watercolour pencil, brush pen, posca markers, white ink and conte pastel). I always end up mixing lots of media these days :O
A page from my sketchbook during my Foundation Diploma in Art & Design in London. Diluted ink is a great medium. It always gives this authentic look. I think I used colouring pencils below to give it a strong colourful look. Love this one.