(JASON) ACE CABUQUIT POLINTAN is an illustrator, painter and graphic designer.He also loves books,photography and films.Music appreciation is always part of his daily routine. He has been part of several group exhibits in the past, even exhibiting his works alongside those of wel known artists as Pacheco, Mahilum, Duldulao and Tam Austria at a fund raising event at UA&P in 1999. So ,far his last exhibit was with Blue Menagerie, a two week group exhibit held in Taytay last 2002. Since then he has been busy nurturing his skills as a painter and graphic designer, doing commission works for clients. He still continues to paint and illustrate. still waiting to accumulate enough works worthy of an exhibit.He plans to study Photography and Filmaking in the future too if time will permit.He is currently an illustrations contributor to www.daytranslations.com and www.daynews.com.
I specialize in graphic design, painting, pen and ink.