If someone had told me a year ago that I’d been exposing my doodles in public I'd have thought that they were out of their ever-living-mind and had completely dropped their marbles. And not in that oh-they're-crazy-but-cute-and-so-sweet kind of way. No. I would have thought they had lost it in that don't-make-any-sudden-movements-and-back-slowly-away-from-the-loony kind of way. When I was a kid I did two things nearly 24/7: write stories and draw. I absodamnlutely loved drawing. Sadly when I was in high school, I let one teacher’s opinion of my work discourage me for what felt like forever. I hid my inner Doodler from everyone (including myself) for well over twenty years. Could be longer. Math has never been my thing. Whatever. It's been way too long. Now? My philosophy is “F*ck it". I've unleashed my inner Doodler and I'm doodling all over the damn place. This is my Truth: Any art is a good thing. Any form of creative expression is a good thing. So, unless you have serial killer inclinations, I’m all for supporting that expression. Go you.
Intricate Knot has not set any favorites.