Designer, illustrator, motion artist and when possible a traveller. Every morning when I wake up I create a Morning Doodle.
I specialize in character design, drawing, graphic design, illustration, motiongraphics, pen and ink.
I drew one of my toys, (almost!) every day for a year. They were all done on 6"x6" card stock with alcohol based markers. I researched every one to try and find the company, etc. These are a few of the Disney characters in my collection.
Lulu on Monday
Women #united are stronger Daily drawing #547
Juicy Brain Daily drawing #543
What now? Daily drawing #542
Day 15 of Inktober2017 - Mysterious.
Imperator Furiosa Daily drawing #541
Looking out my window over the garden enjoying this beautiful hotel and it's splendid ambience
Remembering Croatia is a sketchbook drawing done using ballpoint pen whilst on a cruise in Croatia
Mermaids out of water.
Berliner Dom in pen
In the #deep sea Daily drawing #540
Here we are right in the middle of #inktober2017 with #mysterious Moon
Doodle on my pump