Here's a watercolor portrait of a romantic couple making a big decision.
This is a watercolor painting of a couple of "shoes" that loves to dance.
This is a watercolor portrait of a couple locked in a lovely pose wearing autumn colors.
A couple of abstract watercolor portraits where tenderness is art.
A watercolor portrait of two people dancing. This time in color.
An owl and full moon for a great time of year.
This is a watercolor still painting of a partial chess board with pieces.
Here's a watercolor painting of a couple really glad to see each other.
A watercolor portrait of a little girl surrounded with other paintings of abstract flowers
Here's a watercolor portrait that brings back memories.
Here are a couple of watercolor cards I designed. Really enjoyed the experience.
A watercolor painting based on a relationship with dear friends.
A fun watercolor portrait of someone with a merry face.
Watercolor portraits for my favorite person.
Here are a couple of paintings that compliment the poetry of each other. I used watercolor and a little ink.
This is a recent portrait and commission painted with watercolor. Had lots of fun with this painting.
A lovely watercolor painting saying, "Good nite."
Bring back the memories with Jimmy Stewart in a watercolor painting.
To enjoy the best of each other is poetry. A watercolor painting where poetry reigns.
A watercolor portrait that speaks louder than words.
Celebration of the best of divine romance