Born and raised in England, backpacked and hung around in Germany for 20 years, now moved to Amsterdam, yey! I've been compelled to make art ever since I was a little kid. But as an adult, in Germany, I had a hard time finding real fun inspiration. In my frustration I often found the artistic world around me was often a bit too artificial, pretentious, calculating and therefore seriously dull. And then, moving to Amsterdam last year, I discovered doodling again! and especially how much fun 'social doodling' can be with help from an event I joined in last year from: and now I'm completely hooked! Okay I admit it, I've even become a little bit compulsive..! I want to draw on everything with everything, every free moment I can and I really love encouraging others who have never drawn before to have a go and see what happens! I haven't had much experience with computers until recently, but I've now managed to set up a blogspot all on my own, with archives of my old,old, stuff and more and more of the new. The idea was originally just to have fun sharing my new addiction with family and friends abroad and to get their reactions. Now I'm teaching myself to use illustrator and photoshop.. watch this space!
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