This shambling creature haunts the fetid marshlands and is a protector of the birds and beasts who reside there. He's ancient, the last of his kind and a gentle soul who would much rather hide under the sticky mud than come face to face with a stranger.
Painted Zip disk. Mixed media. I love old retro stuff and found rejected objects. It's hard to believe how fast zip, floppy, jaz, etc. disks became yesterdays technology. It's about time these old disks found a new purpose and some respect.
This was for a Kinokuniya tote bag contest but it was inspired by a whole host of things. I have included some of my favorite book characters in the doodle as well as some folklores from Japan and China. Can you recognize them and the book characters?
"Robot Manflower." 8x8 ink and watercolor. New discovery: Noodlers 54th Massachusetts Ink (watered down) works incredibly well for painting shadows/value before the watercolor. Watercolor does not disturb that ink! Drawn with a Pilot Custom 743 EF with De Atramentis Document Ink Black.