From Favorite Folktales from Around the World by Jane Yolen.
Then a last song burst from him as he struggled with his loss: “My love, when after a night of longing day dawns and I stand at my open door, I hear far off waves breaking on the shores of your Paradise!”
If only he hadn’t opened that jeweled box, people have said since, he could have been with her again. But the clouds hid her Paradise from him and left him nothing but his grief.
#dailydrawing #folktales #kidlitart #watercolor #janeyolen #sofreakingsad #tonighticanwritethesaddestlines
Completed my first commission of the year — inspired by my Dream Tree mural in Bristol, for a couple from the neighbourhood who walk by the mural nearly every day
From Favorite Folktales from Around the World by Jane Yolen.
One morning a little old woman got up and went to the field containing her five cows. She took from the earth a herb with five sprouts and, without breaking either root or branch, carried it home and wrapped it in a blanket and placed it on her pillow. Then she went out again and sat down to milk her cows.
Suddenly she heard tambourine bells jingle and scissors fall, on account of which noise she upset the milk. Having run home and looked, she found that the plant was uninjured. Again she issued forth to milk the cows, and again thought she heard the tambourine bells jingle and scissors fall, and once more she spilled her milk.
This is a little rough around the edges and lacks some physical accuracy but it does capture the atmosphere of a hot spring bath I visited last weekend.
The Wonders of Nature from Rooster's Wife by Russell Edson
A circus manager, who secretly likes to wear women's clothes, has run out of money and is selling his wonders-of-nature show.
#dailydrawing #watercolor #ink #illustration #poetry #russellEdson #beardedLady #circus