Drawings I made for a commission of the five stages of the Walking Wall installation by Andy Goldsworthy at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. What an inspiring journey to walk and watch it move.
...initially was going to replace the spiders meal for a banana (referring to the piece #Comedian created by artist #Maurizio_Cattelan)...but just could not do it. Had some good conversation about the concept, so hope it leads to more.
Instead, it has lead me to explore some other ideas.
"We had a new upstairs neighbor, and while I had yet to see him I knew he was there because each night he made a terrible racket. It was different each time. One night it sounded like he was blowing across the mouth of a jug for an hour straight without taking a breath."
From "Tacky Goblin" by T. Sean Steele