Very creative human, trying to keep track of all the colours and papers and just creative junk popping up in my mind all the time. I did manage to keep it tidy, in the period when I drew 5 colouring books, in a very short time. So great to just been told: draw 100 drawings of Inspiring Interior, and then I can relax on all my other projects and just focus on that. I also work freelance for magazines, food, fashion and latest sad young people. It was a job for the Danish social ministery, regarding young people living with foster parents, and the trouble they experience. I find all jobs quit interesting, and I love putting a good illustration together to meet a happy audience. At Instagram @flyingwall, you can find a lot of my drawings, like a diary with illustrations, diys and other funny stuff. -like a blue banana, yes I did paint a banana blue. A carrot made of orange items. Funny creatures made by kitchen utilities, and so..
I specialize in art, books, colouring, colouringbook, fashion, illustration, lineart, magazine.