A nerdy bookworm struggling to fight off depression by creating art - it really is what keeps me alive. She/her.
I specialize in crayon, drawing, illustration, needle felt.
Nibbelungenturm, Worms, Germany
Colored inks.
Group portrait of the monster management team. Ink on watercolor paper. I pushed the contrast and colors a little in digital post-processing.
A small drawing from a few years ago. Pen and ink, bristal board
Work in progress. I am left-handed, so i always work from right to left when inking the drawing.
Landschaftpark Duisburg-Nord, Germany. This abandoned steel mill is transformed into a industrial heritage centre and landscape park. It's a great location for photographers and urban sketchers.
Tutorials: https://gumroad.com/tokosuzuki For the complete step by step HQ process images + original PSD file.