I intended to do quick little spot illustrations for Inktober this year, but nooooooo! Now Jimmy is drowning in digital ink and lots of doodle details. This was way too much fun to go simple. I also included the original sketch this time.
I've started a new mixed media sketchbook. Which is often times unexplainably daunting. To get over it I just dive in with lots of color. Then the fun begins.
This was for a Kinokuniya tote bag contest but it was inspired by a whole host of things. I have included some of my favorite book characters in the doodle as well as some folklores from Japan and China. Can you recognize them and the book characters?
This art is linked to my previous work. The protogonist has entered the other side of the world. A weird place but it seems familiar as this world is nothing but his consciousness and diary is just a portal which let him in here