Enthusiastic amateur showing off his attempts at a newfound hobby.
I specialize in drawing, portraits.
Charcoal and conte blanc on green sketchpaper
Graphite pencil on sketchpad
Graphite pencil on sketchpad paper.
Trois crayons on sketchpad.
My first foray into faffing about on Krita.
Charcoal on sketchpad.
Graphite pencil on sketchbook paper.
Graphite pencil in sketchpad.
Charcoal and trois crayons on black card.
Conte blanc et noir on Ingres toned paper
Conte pencils and charcoal on sketchpad.
Trois crayons on green office stock.
Digutal faffery on the Sketchbook phone app.
Conte blanc on black paper
Charcoal and trois crayons on brown paper.
Trois crayons on black card.
Some nonsensical attempt at abstract expressionism.
Conte blanc on black paper. Hopefully the first of a series depicting the Japanese dance form Butoh.
Charcoal and trois crayons on sketchpad.
Watercolour pencils on Winsor & Newton Cotman cold pressed 300gsm.