Figure drawing, pencil
Watercolour and paint pen
A Rottweiler. My favourite breed, and many good companions through my childhood.
Drawing Prompt Submission
Graphite, marker, ink.
Lockdown watch - House M.D. Another mixed media piece, my latest :).
Trying out different approaches with my fountain pen.
Watercolour in mixed media sketchbook.
Pet portrait commission in charcoal and graphite.
USA Titanium HB2 Soft Pencil on Moleskin Lined Notebook. Trying my "hand" at some anatomy drawing
Acrylic on 12 x 9 canvas
The Primal inktober prompt today is Hunter. Not sure this is finished, fountain pen in my moleskine sketchbook.
Wow, its been a while since i was on here. Hope everyone is doing fine with Covid and all. Trying to get into the Spoopy season a little with some Spoopy wings....
Inktober 2020 Day 21 - Sleep, made with Realistic Paint Studio app