Edinburgh-based creature of habit equipped with all kinds of methods to apply to his madnesses.
I specialize in collage, drawing, illustration, mixed media art, pen and ink.
Witchy sharks in a ghost gallery
Yep, business as usual.
More bees!
Shark time again!
Doctor Who inspired doodles!
Japanese themed again!
Post-voting in the UK election art therapy… much needed!
It is what is, as they say.
Sea creatures galore/business as usual.
Dolphins again!
More spooktacular sharks!
Dolphin time!
These stickers and this washi tape… what more can I say?
Second time around with the new flower washi tape my girlfriend bought me. Couldn’t not use it again!
Flower powers…
Spooky shark time :-)
Summertime incoming… hopefully!
Video games and bees, because why not?
Fire lizards… Pokemon style!