Horses ... These noble animals have always been a source of inspiration for every artist, sculptor, photographer and will never cease to delight us as one of the most successful creations of God, pleasing the eye and soul with graceful forms.
After struggling with horse anatomy from photos, I finally decided to search for white horses, figuring that I would be able to see details more easily than on darker photos. It worked out well, the details were much more discernible.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901)
Toulouse-Lautrec drank constantly and slept little. After a long night of drawing and binge-drinking, he would often wake early to print lithographs, then head to a café for lunch and several glasses of wine. Returning to his studio, he would take a nap to sleep off the wine, then paint until the late afternoon, when it was time for aperitifs.
(One of his inventions was the Maiden Blush, a combination of absinthe, mandarin, bitters, red wine, and champagne. He wanted the sensation, he said, of “a peacock’s tail in the mouth.”)
From Daily rituals by Mason Currey
#dailyrituals #inktober #henriToulouseLautrec @masoncurrey
This piece was made 2 months into starting drawing. A symbolic surge of creativity and inspiration as the veil was broken down. This can be considered a personal milestone.
'Oh how wonderful life would be, if I had my own little house in a tree!' This one was created for the Urban Explorer Challenge and I loved every minute of it! As a lover of the natural environment I had to draw on where my heart lies so a treehouse seemed a fitting response!
(Gel Fineliner on A5 Paper) You have to be very careful what names you give your fantasy creations. They might sound right in your own mind, but others will read them very differently. For example: He's a Kakka-Du Knight. They're known to roam the galaxy, righting wrongs and bringing peace and justice to the far reaches of space, because that's what the Kakka-Du do!