Colored pencil and marker on paper
Drawing Prompt Submission
The 'mallows are trying to escape the volcano's explosion of fire and lava. 11 x 14 acrylic on canvas board.
Fishy stuff going on with Bradshaw lately. Summertime must be getting close.
New painting commission + original sketch. 16x20 acrylic painting on wood. Check out the time lapse painting on my Instagram or on Youtube here:
8 x 8 on birch wood panel + the original doodles that lead to the painting. This painting brings back memories of childhood.
Acrylic on cabinet door
Acrylic on wood
Acrylic on canvas
Quick rhino sketch in charcoal.
Nick, the sad rhino
This is part of my daily Sketchgrind day. Ja, ja, ja If you want to see more check out my Patreon Page
Rhino on map Link will redirect anyone who cares to my small but slow growing FB page