Not a doodler. Full-time writer. Big fan of visual arts and the creative community.
I specialize in rambling, runon sentences, short stories.
Cold Beer. Hard Graphite. Smooth Paper.
Ink color
Wednesday in progress.
My take on classical and rock music. Thoughts?
This artwork was made for Inktober 2020
when life as we know it comes to a end we find comfort and safety in out fellow humans
pinwheel patchwork inspired by a sleeping bag I had a long time ago
Micron pen ink and gold paint pen for the moon
Acrylic on wood
Some random robot doodles I've worked into the little free time I've had the past couple weeks.
This was another tree doodle done with an ink dip pen.
One of my favourite artists and directors.
Acrylic painting of Don Quixote
Was listening to ambient music and felt inspired to doodle this blue girl.