I used to do pencil drawings a lot throughout my teenage years. I stopped drawing after having my little boy. I'm now trying to get back into it, with my son being older, and me having a bit more time to pick the pencil back up.
From the cycle: How Painting Is Made :).
The concept changes over time. I "dress up" my Cuban girl sleeveless shirt several times. if you need a logo designer. tell me in a comment
Okay, try not to focus on those ears... Try to appreciate the nice background and even the dragonflies flying around. Anything. But. The ears.
But, my gosh, how adorable! Look at the way he wiggles his ears! How adorable! Isn’t it illegal to be this cute? It makes you want to pick it up and hug it to bits!
Had some doubts on this one. Originally planned for more in the back and foreground. Felt it might take away from the wolf as the focal point. Graphite pencils. Black was charcoal pencils.