Bas van Genugten used to live in Eindhoven, an exciting industrial town in the South of The Netherlands, but swapped this for Sydney, Australia - which is nice too. He studied at Grafisch Lyceum Eindhoven (majoring Visualisation) and Art Academy St. Joost in Breda (majoring Animation). Besides that he knows how to screen-print. His work ranges from illustration to video, graphic design to animation, vj-material to photography. Just before his global move he released the booklet "I would like to be on the cover of a magazine (I would like to brush my teeth with gasoline)". His work appeared in the Belgian magazine Gonzo, Dutch online literary magazine De Optimist, Gigposters.com Coloringbook II and III, on cd-covers of bands and several other things. Ow, and there's plenty of activity on the internet: Website | http://www.basvangenugten.nl Facebook | http://www.facebook.com/DrawnByBas Behance | http://www.behance.net/basvangenugten
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